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Why buy a cap from us?

A few reasons why buying a custom cap from Megadeluxe might be one of the best things you’ve ever done for your handsome head. 

In 2016 I started customizing caps in the basement of my house by hand-sewing vintage patches onto blank hats. Things have changed since those first years (like becoming a full-time business, and moving into a retail/production space) but the idea of providing the World’s Most Handsome Heads with a quality product backed by extraordinary service has not. 
Wes Garcia | Custom Capitalist | Vintage Patch Picker 

Get the exact cap and patch combination you want – no compromises. 
This is one of the main reasons I started doing this: I couldn’t find anyone who could sew one of my vintage patches onto my favorite cap. I used to think I was the only one who had this problem. Thousands of custom caps later I’ve never been so happy to be so wrong. 

Custom caps, expertly sewn. Backed with a twenty-year warranty.
Sewing patches onto ball caps might seem simple and straight forward: buy a $3,000 industrial sewing machine, load it up with some thread and you’re open for business. I wish. I say it took fulfilling a few hundred cap orders until I felt competent enough on my industrial sewing machine. Thousands of orders later I’m still perfecting my craft. Side note, if you own a cap with a vintage patch that was glued on – your hat is dead to me. 

If things go sideways with your order, you got my number.
I don’t give out my cell phone number to my customers because I want to shoot the breeze. (Although, I can easily talk the balls off a pool table when it comes to caps). I give out my number because if one of my customers is unhappy with their Megadeluxe cap, I want to be the first to know so that I can fix it. You should never be less than one hundred percent satisfied with your Megadeluxe cap. 

Vintage patch picking is in my blood. 
I’ve been collecting vintage patches for decades. I just love the look and feel of them: imperfect perfection. Don’t get me wrong, I also collect new patches, especially from designers I’ve gotten to know. But vintage patches are what got me started collecting. 

Swap out that old Megadeluxe cap.

Caps are like car tires – you can only put so many miles on them before they wear out. This is why I provide my customers with a Cap Swap Program. If you want to switch out your old hat for a new one while keeping the original patch. Guess I’m trying to turn all of my customers into vintage patch preservationists. 

Hundreds of cap style and color choices.
I’m obsessive about giving my customers the widest range of popular cap brands to choose from. I’m talking Flexfit, Yuppong, New Era, Richardson, and ‘47 Brand – the most well-known caps brands in the USA. At last count over three hundred styles and colors. Oh, and if I don’t carry your favorite cap brand, you might be able to send in your favorite cap for us to sew on a patch. More details here

Proof-positive that I don’t have a life.
Prior to shipping out an order, I inspect every cap. I’m talking thousands of caps every year. It’s worth repeating: every single cap I’ve sold from day one has either been sewn up or inspected by me. Thankfully I love my job and my customers who are: The World’s Most Handsome Heads.